Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is the first chapter of my new story. It will be a “novel in short stories.”


Music thumped the walls of the building surrounding a small dance studio. Three girls danced, swaying in the middle of the dance hall, one leading the other two in a new routine. Sun speckled the floor, coming in from the wall of windows behind the girls. The dancers moved fluidly through the large patches of sunlight. Music faded, the leader walked over to a pile of sheet music.

The door slapped open. A young woman blew in, sweeping her hair out of her face.

“Where is Yuki?”

The leader brushed her blond hair behind her ear, to keep it from tickling her bare shoulders.

“I don’t know Miiya.”

The other two women, sitting cross-legged on the polished dance floor, watched the exchange between their leader and the slightly shorter brown-haired girl. ­­Both shrugged as Miyabi’s eyes passed over them.

“I called her last night,” Sayaka began, offering up whatever information she could. She caught Miyabi’s gaze, “but, she didn’t call me back.”

Miyabi sighed. “So did I. We were supposed to get dinner together.”

She grunted as she fell into a sitting position on the floor next to the leader, Kiyoko. Kiyoko glanced down at Miyabi, brushing her blond hair back again.

“She probably has a good reason for skipping out on dinner – her parents probably called on her or something. Let’s just focus on getting this new routine for the time being. She knows what time to be here.”

“Ok Kiyo-riida!” the second girl chimed from beside Sayaka.

Kiyoko glared at Ayame’s pet name for her. A devious smirk crossed her face.

“Ok. For that, I will make you practice twice as hard.”

A collective groan rang out. Kiyoko ignored the protests and clicked the music player on.


The sun, shining through the dance hall windows at the start of practice, now only came through in reflections of the neighboring buildings. The fluid moves seen before Miyabi’s arrival, were now marked with errors. All of their minds dwelled on the worry Miyabi had carried with her. Yuki. Each member would wander off during the dance to occasionally check their phones, earning a hypocritical glare from Kiyoko, because she, too, checked her phone every chance she had.

“She’s not here yet!” Ayame threw herself down against the mirrored wall, black rivers of hair forming on the floor beside her. She twisted the cap off her water bottle as soon as she snatched it from her bag.

“Alright then, I’ll call her!” Kiyoko growled at the others for forcing her hand. She had tried to put on a brave face in front of the other girls, however as she dialed, she chewed her lower lip and began treading a path back and forth in front of the windows.

You have reached Shinomori Yuki’s phone. Please leave a message and I promise to call you back.

Kiyoko sighed as she flipped the phone shut.

“Ok…now I’m worried. That girl can’t live without her phone for more than an hour.”

The girls began chattering, Kiyoko trying to will them to be calm. As leader, she was supposed to be the voice of reason. Miyabi slipped her phone out of her bag, checking it for the umpteenth time.

“Now what?”

“I guess I should send you guys home before the rush hour traffic gets too bad. I’m going to stay here and see if I can find someone who may have heard from her.”

“Ok Kiyo.”

Within five minutes the dance hall had cleared. Kiyoko headed for the elevator to find their manager. The others weaved their way through the torrent of people that businesses released every day. As she made her way to the train station, Miyabi dialed the phone.

“Speed dial number one.”

The phone rang several times, and like the times before, Yuki’s recorded voice came through the speaker.

You have reached Shinomori Yuki’s phone. Please leave a message and I promise to call you back.


An apartment building. Saitama. Lights from the street below glistened in the glass eyes of the neighboring buildings. The street teemed with life, flowing to and from the many bars, restaurants, and ramen stalls in the area. Miyabi Shibata nestled into a chair by the window. A long forgotten television sat murmuring in the opposite corner. A single plate and large glass soaked in the kitchen sink. Another small glass, filled with a clear liquid sat on the table next to her, a ring of condensation forming at its base. Other than the TV, a single light hovering over the glass next to her was the only light in the darkened apartment. A book lay on one of the chair’s arms, and like the TV, it was also forgotten. A jingle began whispering from the TV. The news had started. It was late.

“Good evening. Our big story tonight: A popular singer’s family has been found murdered in their home. They were found this morning by the singer’s older brother….”

“Great…another killing…why do people kill?”

The singer was also found at the scene, severely injured. She has been taken to the hospital and remains in critical condition at this time. The singer’s identity had remained a mystery until an hour ago, when her agency called to confirm. The singer is the youngest member of the pop group Sunlight: Yuki Shinomori.”

“…….” Miyabi looked up at the reflection of the TV in the window, catching a short glimpse of Yuki’s picture before the news program switched to some story about politics, or who wore what where. Color drained from her face. She ran over to her bag and snatched up her phone. She punched the number two speed dial number. The other line rang twice.

Moshi moshi? Miiya-chan?

“Kiyoko… did you see the news?”

No?...Miiya, no one at the office would tell me anything….I’m still in the building.

“Leave. Meet me at the Shibuya Station – in front of Hachiko. I’ll call Ayame, can you call Sayaka?”

Sure. See you there.



Red numbers blurred into vision. The young woman lying under a blue-covered bed turned her eyes away from the clock next to her. The room remained a mere cloud in her sight. Her eyebrows furrowed. She reached up to brush her hair back, wincing as soon as finger met forehead. A bandage covered part of her forehead, invoking a second brow furrowing. She leaned to her side to sit up, only to be met by a set of hands, which gently kept her from moving any further forward.

“But… I’m home?... Wait…isn’t that Miiya’s voice?”

“Miiya-chan, what are you doing here?” the girl tried to say. Nothing came out.

“That’s odd… maybe I’m sick?”

“Yuki,” the gentle voice began again. “You need to stay in bed, Yuki-chan.”

“Miiya?!...Why is she here?”

The girl ceased her forward motion and settled back into the bed. She looked around for her friend, only to be met by the cloud yet again. However, the fog was beginning to fade. Harsh light forced her eyes shut.

“Why is it so bright in here?”

Florescent lighting tore through the fog revealing glaring white walls.

“Wait… my walls aren’t white… where am I?”

Yuki tried to sit up a second time, slightly panicked this time.

“Yuki…Yuki!...calm down… you’re in the hospital… don’t freak out.”

“My sight…it’s weird…wait…the hospital?”

The girl settled down a bit at the insistence of her friend. Her clearing eyes allowed her to catch sight of Miyabi’s face to her right. On the opposite side she noticed for the first time her other friends sitting silently. Kiyoko, her leader; Sayaka; and Ayame all sat in the corner, two in the reclining chair, the other sitting against the wall. Each watched her pensively, on edge. After taking in her surroundings, her eyes returned to Miyabi’s.

“Why are there tears in their eyes?”

“What’s wrong?” She managed to croak the question before pain clenched her throat. Her hands moved up to her neck and found a second bandage binding it. Her eyebrows furrowed once again.

Miyabi gave a sad smile, tears threatening to run from the corners of her eyes.

“You… you don’t remember? Do you, Yuki?”

“Miiya-chan looks like she hasn’t slept in days…”

A bitter laugh broke from Miyabi’s tight smile.

“Yuki-chan… do you know what day it is?”

Yuki nodded slightly.

“Of course I know what day it is… its Tuesday. We have practice tomorrow…and…oh no!... I completely forgot dinner…”

Miyabi took in Yuki’s sudden surge of panic and smiled sadly. “Yuki… you don’t have to worry about dinner… you didn’t forget.”

Yuki’s eyes relaxed. Her breathing slowed.

“Yuki…it’s Saturday.”

Yuki’s eyes burst open to their widest. She coughed as she tried to speak again.

“Gomen Yuki-chan…ano… damatte desu.”

Clattering broke the sudden silence, plastic and metal bounced on the concrete floor. Yuki followed the source of the noise and saw Kiyoko, now standing. Sayaka now sat in the floor rubbing her posterior.

“Hey!” Sayaka yelled, snatching her phone off the cold floor and resuming her position in the chair.

“This is getting frustrating… Yuki…” Kiyoko caught Miyabi’s eyes piercing her. “Miiya, stop looking at me like that… she needs to know.”

Confusion bubbled up in Yuki’s eyes. “What?” She coughed, her frame shaking.

“Yuki… you’ve been in a coma the past few days. You were attacked… you and your parents…”
Horror overtook the look of confusion that had resided on Yuki’s face since she had awoken.

“What? parents?...”

Memories of Tuesday night flooded her mind. A horrible scream exploded from her lungs. A deep hacking cough rattled her small frame. Tears erupted from her eyes, and sobs took up where the coughing had left her trembling body. Miyabi pulled Yuki gently into an embrace, followed closely by the other members of Sunlight, each touch was as gentle as if she were porcelain. Rain fell in the small hospital room, a private storm of grief and rage, while the city around them went about their nightly tasks on a beautiful spring night.


Umbrellas dotted the sea of grass and stone. The sky wept, seemingly at the loss of life being mourned in the human ceremony it truly paid no heed to. The ceremony centered on two closed wooden caskets. At their feet sat a single chair. Four umbrellas converged on the person sitting, protecting the young woman from the rain that fell. Miyabi Shibata stood behind her friend, one hand on Yuki’s shoulder and the other holding the central umbrella. The three other members of Sunlight stood to either side, also reaching out to comfort the girl. Yuki Shinomori sat stoically, the tears that had fallen in the hospital room were used up. She had no more tears to shed for her parents, who now lay hidden behind the wood veneer of the caskets.

Gone forever… Kami-sama….why?

The still face refused to convey the raging thoughts that flooded Yuki’s mind. Several members of other groups, as well as managers who had grown close to Sunlight surrounded the five, beyond that were members of Sunlight’s families. Framed pictures of Yuki’s parents sat staring back at the crowd that had gathered, while one of Yuki’s uncles shared his memories of his brother and sister-in-law.

Miyabi knelt behind the chair, still holding the umbrella over her head, and whispered something to Yuki. Something that wasn’t lost on the other members, but the rain drowned out for the rest of the mourners. Yuki’s snowy demeanor shattered, and for a split second, a peace settled over her face. She turned to look at Miyabi, lifted her hand to the hand Miyabi had resting on her shoulder, and gave as much of a smile as she could give to her friend. Miyabi returned the smile and clenched the hand that now rested on hers. Yuki’s gaze returned to the scene before her, the mask once again covering her face. Forgotten words from those who spoke continued to be washed away by the single phrase Miyabi had uttered.

I’m here for you, Yuki-chan. I will always be here for you.

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