Saturday, July 10, 2010

Character vignette: Yuki Shinomori


Why is it so cold?

Rain?... When did it rain?.... Why am I wet?...Did the roof leak?

Grass. Wait?...I'm outside? Why am I sleeping outside?

My muscles contracted in my stomach as I attempted to lift myself off the wet ground. A jolt...pain shot through my forehead. My hand instinctively rose to meet the skin of my forehead, to also find it wet. A strange smell now filled my sinuses; it smelled strangely like money...

As my hand pulled away from my head, all I could see, all I could think about was...Red.

My hand was red. Blood.

I reached for my head again, this time twinging in pain as I apparently found the origin of the blood.

Why am I bleeding? What happened? Was I mugged?....wait...

I searched the wet earth by my side for my bag. It was still there. I continued searching around me. About three meters from my bag I saw two prone forms. Blood soaked through their clothes.

I was with my parents.....